So here I am then, a blogger! The idea behind this venture is really to expand on the news page of my website, ( I have tended to write a paragraph or so on there whenever I add a new gallery to my site but often there is more I could share about what I do and the process of making photographs. So here goes!
What better way to start a new year than an inspiring shoot with a model I've not worked with before. It was my good fortune to meet the lovely NikiMarie last weekend. I had really good vibes when we spoke beforehand and these were confirmed on the shoot. NikiMarie proved to be a friendly, lively model with a real imaginative spark. Although we were working indoors, there was plenty of creative energy flowing between us. There will be a new gallery on my website in a few weeks showcasing the best images from the day. In the meantime, here's a sample image of what we did.